Farmers Producers Organization’s (FPO’s) Business Enterprise


Bolstering Farmer Producers Organizations is a project supported by Walmart Foundation and implemented by SM Sehgal Foundation in Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh.The project builds the technical capabilities of Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs),including their women farmer members, through demonstrations of sustainable agricultural practices and soil health management. The goals are to reduce input costs, increase yield,and improve crop quality while promoting climate resilience for small and marginal farmers.

In 2023, the project selected the defunct Sangam Samridhi FPO of Bhelkha, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh,for development. Sangam SamridhiFPO has 1,000 farmers, of whom 300 are women. After selection by the project, the FPO chose to embark on a transformative journey to address the pressing issue of inconsistent and expensive access to high-qualitycattle feed bysettingup a mini mill for animal feed. Since animal husbandry has a crucial place in the lives and livelihood of farmers, the project team provided essential technical expertise, guidance, and financial support to the FPO.

The mill wasestablished in a warehouse far from village Bhelkhaon leased land rented by the Sangam Samridhi FPO, whichcontributed 10 percent of the set-up cost of the mill, andthe balance paid by the project. Machinery for the mill was procured after market research of technologies and suppliers;pricing of the animal feed was decided after a financial analysis;and local sources were determined to obtain the raw materials such aswheat, rice bran, mustard cake, salt, etc. Specialized capacity building of the FPO members empowered them with the skills required to maintain the machinery, ensure adherence to best practices and quality standards,and independently manage the mill’s operations.

The cost to produce one quintal (100 kg) of animal feed is INR 2,449, and the selling price was decided to be INR 2,500, which left the Sangam Samridhi FPO with a profit of INR 51. The slightly higher cost of the animal feed in comparison to the market price was justified by the superior quality of the FPO-produced feed, which positively impacts livestock health and productivity. Currently, Sangam Samridhi producesthe cattle feed on a pre‑order basis; and so far, the total production has been 10 quintals (1,000 kg), i.e., a total sale of INR 25,000.

The project team remained actively involved in monitoring the progress of the mill. Regular evaluations assessed the impact of the animal feed on the quantity and quality of the milkproduced and its economic outcomes for the users.This continuous evaluation allowed for timely adjustments and improvements like training ensuring the initiative’s success.

A challenge faced by the Sangam Samridhi FPO members was in marketing the animal feed. This was facilitated by the project team by building their capacities on feed branding and promotion. The cattle feed is now marketed with the name of Sangam Samridhi Santulit Pashu Aahar, and marketing connections are forgedwith other FPOs and individual farmers.

The establishment of the mini-feed mill is a testament to the careful deliberation and strategic planning undertaken by the FPO and guided by thorough market research and stakeholder consultations. From the meticulous selection of technology and suppliers, to the seamless integration with existing infrastructure, every step was executed with precision and foresight. The procurement of locally sourced raw materials and the efficient operations of the feed milldemonstrate the FPO’s dedication to delivering quality animal feed at competitive prices andits commitment to serving the needs of its members and the local agricultural community.Their success lies not just in profit margins but in the positive impact they create. The profit of INR 51 per quintal is intended for reinvestment into initiatives thatenhancethe livelihoods of farmers, through further improvements in infrastructure, training programs, or purchasing raw materials based on need. This success story highlights the FPO’s ability to adapt and thrive in a competitive market and serves as an inspiring example of collective action and empowerment in rural development.

(About the Authors: Praveen Tiwari, Project coordinator, and

ChaithraP.M, Assistant manager, Partnerships & Fundraising, S M Sehgal Foundation)


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