IPL Biologicals joins hands with AFEPASA, Spain for global joint registration of biological products


National, August 27, 2024: IPL Biologicals Ltd. (IPL),the global leader in agri-biologicals with the widest
portfolio of bio-pesticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-fertilizers; and AFEPASA, one of the oldest and
respected manufacturers of bio-control, nutrition and plant bio-stimulation solutions of Europe, have
signed an Agreement to globally register and market IPL’s proprietary microbial bio-pesticides. These
products have been tried and rested all over the world and are much sought after globally. The first
product to be registered will be IPL’s star nematicide with a very high-level of efficacy. Starting with
Europe, this product will be registered globally. As chemical products are largely ineffective against
nematodes, the global market potential for IPL’s nematicide is huge.

The Agreement was signed at the AFEPASA office in Spain, where IPL was represented by Mr. Harsh
Bhagchandka, President, and AFEPASA was represented by Mr. Manel Montaño, CEO. This JV will benefit
the farmers across the world by providing solutions for the difficult to control pests, reduce their
dependence on chemicals while improving the yield and quality.

Speaking on the joint venture, Mr. Harsh Bhagchandka, President of IPL Biologicals Ltd. Said, “We are
thrilled to join hands with AFEPASA in this ground breaking partnership that will bring our cutting-edge
agri-biological solutions to Europe. Due to resistance many agri problems have defied solution by
chemical pesticides. Also, biological products do not have a problem of dangerous residue in the crops.
Our biological products have shown remarkable efficacy in trials and large field demos all over the world.
In AFEPASA, we have a partner who will enable us to quickly take-to-the-market our most exciting

Mr. Manel Montaño, CEO of AFEPASA commented, “The strategic collaboration with IPL Biologicals will
enable us offer innovative bio-pesticides to the European and global markets. We will be replacing
harmful synthetic pesticides with safe biologicals, not only prioritizing the health of food consumers but
also that of our environment. We are happy to be associated with IPL Biologicals, the global technology
leader in agri-biologicals, and a company that has the most exciting technology path for the future, and
who we are certain will dominate the global agri-biologicals market.”

About IPL Biologicals Ltd.
IPL Biologicals Ltd. specializes in biological solutions for agriculture; and has the widest portfolio of bio-
pesticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-fertilizers with over 50 products for pest and disease management,
and plant nutrient & health management. These products are renowned for high quality, efficacy and
long shelf-life. IPL Biologicals has recently introduced a second-generation of consortium, pure-spore,
100% water soluble products. Focused on research and technology, IPL’s R&D has a world-class
infrastructure with over 40 scientists, microbiologists, and agronomists. IPL has a most modern
completely integrated manufacturing plant with Class-1000 contamination control facilities. IPL is setting up a new state-of-the-art plant in Gujarat with a total outlay of Rs. 400 crores. IPL Biologicals is
aggressively introducing its products globally and has set up subsidiaries in a large no of countries and is
registering its products in over 50 countries.

AFEPASA is a family business dedicated to offering biocontrol, nutrition and plant biostimulation
solutions. With more than 130 years of experience in the development, manufacturing, registration and
marketing of organic products, backed by a firm commitment to the environment, sustainability and the
territory through a significant investment in research and development (R&D). Their presence in the
national and international market has made them a trusted reference in the agricultural sector under the
well-known name of AFEPASA.

Brief Note on Bio Products and Dangers of Chemical Products
The invention of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in the early years of the 20 th century dramatically
changed the face of humanity by making it possible to grow enough food to feed the burgeoning human
population leading to food security for the first time in human history. But this comes at a huge cost –
these synthetic inputs have led to the poisoning of our food and environment. These synthetic products
have a long Residue in the environment, and the pests develop resistance so that more and more
pesticide has to be applied. This has led to cancer, genetic defects, and other scourges. Biological agri
inputs offer a viable and safe alternative. These offer synthetic-free safe foods while also ensuring high
yields and high quality.

For further information, pls visit the websites:
IPL Biologicals : www.iplbiologicals.com
AFEPASA: https://www.afepasa.com/en/

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